Meet Sonya, a passionate Porsche aficionado and the person behind the lifestyle community Women and Porsche. On her days off from her full-time job, she works on her lifestyle channel attending events and networking or exploring ways to host her own.
The cold month of May saw Sonya host her #CooledCoffee event, one of the first Cars and Coffee events to take place in 2011 and what seemed to have kicked off all the automotive events in the calendar.

A small and intimate event proves to be a better result as there are more opportunities to network. A lovely array of Porsche models arrive and park up in the designated area, each owner beaming with smiles, the joy of attending an event in your car.
Friends old and new began their conversations over fresh coffee and snacks via hosts RPM Technik, independent Porsche specialists based in Long Marston.

It was amusing to see Sonya deep in conversation and react like a meerkat the moment she hears a flat-six engine enter the grounds.
However, I don't blame her. The varied Porsche models that turned up were jaw-dropping, each one with the owner's own stamp reflecting in their personalities. The ever-changing weather gave question marks on whether it would clear up, but soon a light drizzle of rain occured for a few minutes.
Unlike most supercar owners, these Porsche owners stayed through the rain.

There's really not much else to say here, the Women and Porsche #CooledCoffee event was a great success. The Porsche community are wonderful and welcoming, RPM Technik's hospitality was second-to-none, this Cars and Coffee couldn't of done any better to bring out the positive rays out of a dark 2021.

Sonya is a great person and I'm blessed to have her in my life. She is a shining example of her motto:
“Driven by success. Fuelled with passion. Powered by humility. Inspired by positive lifestyle”
Her positivity fully embodies the lifestyle community she has created, I couldn't be more proud.
Follow Women and Porsche:
> Instagram: @womenandporsche
> Website: www.womenandporschelifestyle.co.uk
> Instagram: @womenandporsche
> Website: www.womenandporschelifestyle.co.uk

Do you have a car you'd like me to check out and arrange a shoot with? Let me know by completing the form below:
Thanks for completing the form, I'll get back to you real soon! - Keyfobandgob
Bonus photos: